My Absence + The Future Of This Blog

Hey guys, so I know I have been so absent over the last couple of months – just seen that I only posted three times in September (so much for being a daily blogger!) and I am so sorry! When I started this blog back in May it was all very new and exciting to me and I saw that I was getting loads of great feedback almost immediately and I loved it and it was really motivating me to write, it was also around about the time that my exams ended (kind of) and so I had a bit of time to just sit back and relax and really enjoy this new time I had available when I wasn’t studying but then I had loads of drama things come up (which is a really great thing) and I’ve also started studying for next year’s GCSEs because I know that I need to work harder for these exams because the subjects are harder. So basically, my life has been really hectic over these last few months and there’s been birthday celebrations going on and a whole load of other things. I guess, when I say hectic, it hasn’t been too bad or difficult to manage but I just haven’t had time to properly sit down and work out a schedule yet but I’m going to do that before the end of the week.

It feels really weird to be studying for GCSEs almost like a normal student even though I’m home-educated, and whilst I don’t like to define my education as ‘not normal’ because I feel like it’s a good thing and is better suited to some people (like me), I also do feel like I don’t lead the ‘normal’ life that most people my age lead and I haven’t done throughout my life either, and whilst I don’t think I’m any different to the people that go to school it does feel like there’s a certain connection with people that I can’t share. At least not until I go to sixth form. But at the same time, having started studying for my GCSEs I now feel like I can talk about my subjects and how stresseful I’m finding them or how I’m liking this subject etc. and have it be considered relevant. Anyway, that was a completely pointless tangent that I just went off on for no reason.

So, the main point of this post was to talk about the future of this blog, I feel like when I started out as a daily blogger I was a bit too ambitious and not really thinking about the things that were going to be happening in the very close future, so having revised my previous plan I have now decided that maybe 2-3 posts a week would be better because not only does it lessen the pressure of having to write posts, 2-3 posts isn’t that difficult to schedule all in one day – it doesn’t take me all that long to write posts –Ā and it would also mean that you were still getting new and regular posts from my blog (I hope that’s a good thing!). I think what happened and what caused the absence for a couple of months was that I started my blog and was very soon putting loads of pressure on myself to write a blog post everyday and sometimes it got to 11PM and I still hadn’t written anything and so I was desperately rushing to write a post before midnight and I just think that it was so unnecessary to put that amount of stress on myself, especially when I really love blogging. I absolutely adore it. It is a huge passion of mine. So after putting that much pressure on my life instead of just posting less regular I just stopped posting all together to get the stressful thing out of my life. So, expect to see 2-3 postsĀ a week. The reason I say 2-3 is because I definitely plan to write 2 posts a week but I’m not definitely saying they’ll be 3, they will be if I have the time but obviously I can never guarantee how much time I’m going to have.

Another thing related to the future of this blog is December, I have decided that for December (no matter how short I am on time) I am going to write a post everyday for the whole month – just because I really love Christmas and the celebration of the new year. I haven’t got anything specifically planned yet post-wise but I am going to be doing lots of planning from now until the 1st of December so if you have any Christmassy posts that you would like to read please leave them in the comments down below and I will add them to the list of Christmassy posts to write throughout December – I am incredibly excited! Obviously I have to call my December series ‘Blogmas’ because otherwise it just wouldn’t be the same. I hope you guys are all as excited as I am! If any of you would like to be part of my Blogmas Series either by guest posting or doing a collaboration please just drop me an e-mail – – as I would love everyone to get involved.

Talking about the future of my blog has just got me really excited! Because the thing is, although I’ve been absent I have been thinking about my blog and making plans, it’s just unfortunately all you guys can see is that I haven’t been writing anything – there are so many plans going on behind the scenes and I am so excited to write all of the posts that I have saved in a notebook and there is just so much that is going to be happening on this blog over the next few months and for the coming years so I really hope you will all stay and watch this space for all those exciting things to happen!

A couple of last minute things, if you have e-mailed me and I haven’t got back to you I am really sorry! I will be checking my e-mails and responding over the next few days. Also, if I have talked about guest posting or doing a collaboration I am definitely still going to do it – it’s just getting back on top of everything, sorry for being so rubbish!

The last thing, andĀ I promise this is the last thing, is social media – I was thinking of starting a Instagram (especially for Blogmas) and I was wondering what you guys thought? Also, if any of you have an Instagram please leave your username below so I can get some ideas of what other people post, blog related. The other social media thing is my twitter account (@aninspiredteen), I don’t really know the content that people want me to post on there so I tend not to really tweet, so again if you could leave your twitter username down below so I can see what other people are tweeting and if you could give any tips or advice as to what you would look for on a bloggers twitter I would really appreciate it!

Thank you all so much for reading this post and for still being here after so long! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Please feel free to leave any comments you have down below and make sure to like this post! Also, if you’re new around here and enjoyed this post you can follow me for more posts –Ā I promise they will be more regular from now on! If you have an enquiries please feel free to e-mail me –

That’s all for now!

Inspired Teen šŸ™‚


10 thoughts on “My Absence + The Future Of This Blog

  1. Heyy! I can’t wait to read all your posts! Thank you for all your tips- I’ll definitely use them and hopefully mine could be successful like yours someday! I’ll add you, mine is sprinkle of anonymous šŸ¤— xx


  2. I think you made a good choice taking a break- now you’ll have fresh ideas and it will help de-stress you significantly. I’ve just found your blog and love it already! I mainly get 0 views (a couple of likes but they’re probably because they want me to like there’s back) so you are so lucky to have all the support that you are getting! I’ll add you on Instagram! šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey!! Thank you so much for this comment – sorry it’s taken me so long to reply! It’s so nice that you are so supportive! I think it was good for me to take that break as well, I feel much more organised now and have planned out all of my time and made sure that blogging can fit into that schedule!

      Don’t let the 0 views get you down, it will happen. I am incredibly lucky yes, I couldn’t be more pleased with how my blog is going at the moment but these things take time! My biggest tip to you is to really use the ‘tags’ to your advantage because that’s how people find your blog! Just make sure the tags are relevant to your post or to your blog in general, for example, don’t put ‘cars’ in the tags if you’re not writing anything about cars because otherwise you’ll be attracting the wrong people to your blog. My second tip to you is to follow people and comment on their posts, but in a genuine way – don’t just go and follow everyone and comment on everyone’s posts, find a post that really interested or inspired you and leave a nice comment saying so. As you said, some people like for a like or follow for a follow so make sure you don’t come across as that kind of person.

      Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog! They really mean a lot. My Instagram is aninspiredteen šŸ™‚ Xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I needed that right now – my life is so hectic at the moment!! But great all the same, I wouldn’t have it any other way and I’m very pleased that I think that because I think it’s the best way to live! šŸ™‚ I got Instagram! My username is aninspiredteen šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m excited for your Blogmas omg! Can’t wait! And Instagram would be such a good idea, I have an Instagram as well, but I don’t post a lot (but I will very soon haha!) my username is: lifewithdannielle !


  4. Hey! I know what you mean, it can be really hard to write every day, but even if you only write occasionally it doesn’t really matter. I’m doing my GCSEs this year, are you in Year 11? How is homeschooling?x


    1. I’m so glad you know what I mean – there’s always that fear that no one will get it and then it will just be awkward… Awesome, how many GCSEs are you doing? I’m doing 5 – chemistry, economics, maths, English lit and human biology. It’s really great, I really enjoy it – I don’t know if you’ve read it but I actually wrote a post on what it’s like being home-educated if you were interested – šŸ™‚


      1. I don’t know actually šŸ™‚ I’m doing triple science, English, maths, French, Religious Studies (compulsory) and History…but I think both English and maths count as two each? Cool, I’ll go check it out!x


      2. And is that to sit in May-June time? That’s a lot of exams to do all in one go. I’m happy with just my five šŸ™‚ Good luck with them all! Going to go and revise now! Great, I hope you enjoy the post! šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

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